About us ...
Filip Delannoy, owner of iTroniX, is electromechanical engineer, graduated in 1977 (Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Antwerp).
Experienced with PC programming and databases since 1981 during his 35 years of Honda employment, he has been pioneering in many fields of computing, with the World Wide Web since 1995.
Since the emergence of "multimedia", it became his hobby for long winters...
Especially, the creation of "Virtual Objects" and video editing are his favorites.
Filip's last function in Honda Motor Co, Ltd. was European Training Development Manager.
His activity in Gent during the last 5 years focused on "blended learning": The combination of hands-on training with e-learning.
Filip was actively involved in selecting the right tools for the job and he also actively e-authored technical courses for Honda products. Having always been an "early adopter" of new technologies, he is respected by his colleagues for being very skilled in New Media and mobile devices as well, in spite of being 58...
iTroniX was established in december 2013, when his job at Honda was moved to Germany due to a European reorganization. The European Training Centre in Ghent was closed and Filip was forced to retire, together with his 8 team mates. Too young to retire, Filip saw an opportunity to develop his own business, capitalizing on his wide experience.
The "open-source movement" gave birth to a number of open source e-learning systems such as Dokeos, Chamilo, Moodle, etc... Filip studied and installed versions of all of them and he was involved to implement and host some systems for small companies. Also website development with the modern data driven web tools (Drupal, Wordpress etc...) has been an activity during those years.
Besides computing, Filip is also an experienced electro-mechanical engineer. Also electronics has always been his main focus and a hobby since his college days...
This expertise he has been applying in the field of Marine electronics as well as electric vehicles.
SeaTroniX was started with the aim of helping his colleague sailors find and install adequate navigation and communication equipment.
Today SeaTroniX is dealer for Garmin Marine, Digital Yacht and JEFA steering Systems.
As e-bikes became popular in 2013, Filip started importing and installing e-bike kits from China. That activity was stopped in 2016 when regulations and homologation in Belgium got more strictly.
The future?
Recently (summer 2019) Filip sold his own sailing yacht and doing so he left the sailor's community, after cruising 20 years on the North Sea and the Atlantic. As a new hobby, he has been learning to fly gliders... But more than that he is now cycling around with his wife Mieke and his grand-children.
A new passion has emerged from his activities around building his new home in Geraardsbergen (Belgium)
His dream was to build a home, as ecologically "Right" as possible: The search to become as independent as possible from electricity and water providers using the new "ECO-Energy" technologies: Heat Pumps, Solar panels, Ventilation systems, Water purification techniques, LED Lighting, Home-Automation etc...
Especially this last aspect is nearest to his heart: Filip continued to study modern "micro-controller" electronics deeply since he retired in 2013. Learning to program in C++, Javascript and Python, he experimented a lot in the evenings with microcontrollers like Arduino, Particle, Raspberry-Pi etc...
He already developed numerous devices for use in and around the home for controlling the lighting, heating, ventilation, access-control.
The result is now the "PhotoniX" ECO-system. This is actually a "Distributed Home Automation" system with one controller in each room. These communicate with each other through your WiFi system but eventually also via Bluetooth and other channels.
Some of these "PhotoniX" ECO-system devices are now being prepared for production. They are not offered to the general public, but mainly to "makers" who have some experience in programming and using these controllers.
The unique advantage is that the possibilities are unlimited and you can do exactly what you want.
You can find more details of the PhotoniX system in the section DIY Home-Automation on this site.
Filip's son, Maarten, is also a certified Electro-Mechanical engineer. Since 2015, Maarten has worked very closely with Filip in rebuilding an old farm into two separate homes, collecting expertise in all the technical fields related to ECO-Energy HVAC systems.
So, here we are as a small team, with a brand new range of activities related to ECO Energy + DIY Home Automation.
Our mission is to support enthusiastic MAKERS to take the step to building their own cleaner and more sustainable future!