Attention: This "DIY Home Automation" content is oriented primarily to the international community of microcontroller enthusiasts and programmers, for which ENGLISH is the main language. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you are interested and english is not your language, please contact Filip.
If you happen to be also interested in the "ECO Energy" services we offer in Belgium, switch the language of this site to Nederlands and check out the menu.

Sharing our dream?
For passionated "makers" with notions of electronics we offer useful and affordable building blocks to construct your own distributed "home automation" system.
No deep knowledge of electronics or programming is needed.
What is useful is the passion to share our dream: Have your home fully under control, from wherever in the world you are.
We do not install turnkey solutions but we sell the building blocks and offer our experience for you to make your dream come true.
Makers who have already some experience with programming controllers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Particle, and who want to apply their skills to their home.
You can start experimenting with our modules and add building blocks ste-by-step as needed. Learn to program the possibilities when you need it based on our working examples.
How did we get there?
Filip studied "micro-controller" electronics deeply since retiring in 2013: Learning to program in C++, Javascript and Python, he experimented a lot with microcontrollers like Arduino, Particle, Raspberry-Pi etc...
During that 6 year period he developed numerous devices for use in and around the home for controlling the lighting, heating, ventilation, access-control, entertainment, energy and water management. (More detailed
story here)
Unique "PhotoniX" advantages
- the possibilities are unlimited and
- you can do exactly what you want!
Our product line
Our central product is the PhotoniX shield. This is a base PCB to mount a "Particle Photon" controller.
To sense essential room parameters like temperature, humidity, human presence, light, dust, gas etc... we developed a compact RoomSense module.
To control lights and other devices, we developed several original output modules, to be connected to our PiXel-BUS line:
- PowerPiXels:
- FadePiXels:
- RelayPiXels:
More modules will be added soon...
Note: These products are not offered to the general public, but only to enthusiastic "Makers" with some experience in programming and using micro controllers.
We provide the hardware and the software to make these devices "work together as an orchestra"... ;-)
This site is under development for this activity: To be continued...