The PhotoniX ECO-system
What is it?
You could call it a "Distributed Home Automation" system.
Most commercial Home Automation systems are "Centralized" systems: One controller or computer takes care of all sensors and all output elements. This results in very many long interconnecting wires. In many "IP-based" systems, tons of network cables are used! Also the power distribution is usually a spider web on it's own with many plug in power supplies where needed.
In a "distributed" system that wiring complexity and cost is avoided by splitting up the controller in a number of individual controllers, taking care only of the needs around it. In our PhotoniX system, one room controller is taking care of each room. They are not necessarily installed inside the room, but depending on the local possibilities you can choose to install it nearby. This could also be in the attic, cellar etc...
The controllers all communicate with each other through the various channels: WiFi, Bluetooth...
The main "PhotoniX" ECO-system devices are now being prepared for production.
- PhotoniX Shield
- RoomSense
- PowerPiXel
- FadePiXel
- RelayPiXel